Project Info

Project Request Date: 11/13/2018
Project Requested By: Freddy Lause – University of Kentucky
Principle Investigator: Eric Green and William Staats

Initial Inquiry

“Looking for a state database of highway-railway intersection crashes. Railroad layer in GIS and overlay highway, with a point feature of all railroad crossings and do a buffer around the crossings to see what crashes come up (5 years).”

Project Write-up

We delivered two shape files. One has the 2013-2017 crashes within 150 feet of an active rail crossing. The second shape file has the 2013-2017 crashes within 150 feet of a an abandoned rail crossing.

We chose a 150 ft. buffer instead of the 100 ft. initially requested because these buffers were based on a single point at the center of the intersection. We used the extra 50 ft. to account for the width of the pavement around the crossing, that way the 100 ft. buffer extended from the edges of the crossing instead of the very center of the crossing.

Data Provided

DropBox link to shape files.



KTC has helped my team with two projects now. The crash data they provided has been essential to improving our safety estimation tools. The work KTC does is outstanding and important to making our highways safer and I look forward to working with them on future projects!

Frederico Lause

The Kentucky Traffic Safety Data Service (KTSDS) is a program of the Kentucky Transportation Center.
176 Raymond Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40506.

Copyright © 2022 Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky.