Project Info
Project Request Date: 01/04/2019
Project Requested By: Freddy Lause – University of Kentucky
Principle Investigator: Tony Fields
Initial Inquiry
The request was for 5 years of KY crash data including the type of crash, type of roadway facility, weather condition, injury severity, and specific location. The requested output type was both a spreadsheet of the raw data and a GIS layer.
Project Write-up
Using the most recent 5 years of publicly available crash data merged with HIS roadway attribution, a data set was compiled with SQL Server querying tools including all crashes on Kentucky’s roadway network and the corresponding directional analysis, weather condition, and facility type. A shape file, built in ArcGIS, was also included to display crash locations.
Data Provided
Full data too large for website. Examples below:

The Kentucky Traffic Safety Data Service (KTSDS) is a program of the Kentucky Transportation Center.
176 Raymond Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40506.
Copyright © 2022 Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky.