2020 Driver Zips

Project Info Project Request Date: 10/08/2020 Project Requested By: Shraddha Sagar Principle Investigator: Tony Fields Initial Inquiry A request was made for the home zip code of each driver involved in a Kentucky crash in the five year period from 2008 to 2012....

2020 Day and Night Fatalities

Project Info Project Request Date: 04/15/2020 Project Requested By: Nate Dean Principle Investigator: Tony Fields Initial Inquiry A data request was made for the following: 1 – Total Fatalities by year, total fatalities during the day and night (using defined...

2020 Crash Severity by Ownership

Project Info Project Request Date: 09/24/2020 Project Requested By: Deanna Mills Principle Investigator: Tony Fields Initial Inquiry What is the proportion of road that the State maintains compared to local agencies? What is the breakdown of serious injury and fatal...

2019 Breckinridge SNIC Map

Project Info Project Request Date: 09/08/2020 Project Requested By: Brian Gregory Principle Investigator: Benjamin Blandford Initial Inquiry KYTC District 4 initially requested in May 2020 a follow-up to the Snow and Ice Route Optimization project due to Breckinridge...

2019 DUI Data

Project Info Project Request Date: 10/18/2019 Project Requested By: Ramona Parker – New Hope Community Services Principle Investigator: Paul Ross Initial Inquiry Please provide a percentage of DUI/substance abuse first time offenders that commit a second...